
Cthulhu (Fiction)

Cthulhu (Fiction)

(Editor’s note: we’re including some original fiction on the website in the week before Halloween. The artwork is by Joe Aubrey.) Imagine a region in the grip of a religion pushing a cursed remedy on its populace. A world brimming with Eldritch terrors and bloodborne contagions. No one can be trusted and even the holy […]

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The Secular Right Isn’t Really New…

The Secular Right Isn’t Really New…

I remember when the whole concept of a conservative, or at least right-leaning atheist, came across as a foreign concept. Back in 2014, the non profit organization American Atheists was disinvited from CPAC, which was the topic of a few opinion columns discussing how unwilling conservatives have been to accepting atheists. It’s ironic that nowadays […]

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Loosening My Bible Belt

Who do you believe is crazier? The pastors who handle venomous snakes in church houses, or the guy they get to catch those snakes in the woods? Imagine if you will, being five years old, holding the lid open to the cooler your dad puts those snakes in, and he is depending on you to […]

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Atheists Should Have No Secular Devil

There’s a saying: “Don’t think of a pink elephant.” In other words, what one resists can dominate and even control one’s mind, making the action a person wishes not to do the action that person ultimately does. Religious believers often use this accusation against atheists. We allegedly “resist” or “deny” a belief in God, therefore […]

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Religion Continues to be Comedy Gold

Religion Continues to be Comedy Gold

With headlines about how various celebrities ranging from Ozzy Osbourne to Russell Brand have “found God”, one might think that religion has been regaining some of its lost ground in mainstream culture. But if the new Hulu comedy series “This Fool” is any indication, Catholicism and religion in general is still the butt of many […]

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The Lie of Equality

The Lie of Equality

A false conclusion which seems to have become the mainstream opinion nowadays is that everyone is equal. It is perhaps derived from the belief that all people should be equal before the law and have the same rights and same vote. I believe that people should have the right to the same opportunities and that […]

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Waking Up

  A familiar panic set in as hateful public and private messages poured into my social media account. These were messages from the secular community demanding that I remove posts or calling me a bigot. Why was I receiving emotionally charged personal attacks and demands I remove my social media posts? I had committed the […]

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In Defense of Dawkins

In Defense of Dawkins

In the past year, biologist and author Richard Dawkins has become the target of heavy criticism regarding his tweets on transgender people. Dawkins, who is best known as one of the “Four Horsemen of the New Atheist movement and for his best-selling books, The God Delusion, The Blind Watchmaker, and Outgrowing God, exposed a contradiction […]

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The 2012 Reason Rally: 10 Years Later

The 2012 Reason Rally: 10 Years Later

It was 10 years ago today that the largest gathering of atheists (agnostics, skeptics, humanists & free-thinkers) in world history occurred. The 2012 Reason Rally, a successor to the 2002 Godless Americans March on Washington wasn’t expected to have the greatest amount of success on that cold rainy day. Christopher Hitchens passed away a few […]

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America 2020: Where Conservatives are Liberals and Liberals are Conservatives

America 2020: Where Conservatives are Liberals and Liberals are Conservatives

The recent defections among high-profile intellectual liberals from the progressive left are only surprising if you haven’t been paying attention (The Harpers Letter, etc.). It was only a matter of time before these thoughtful and engaged adults were “red-pilled” and realized the cold, hard fact that the progressive left has abandoned them and is no […]

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Social Justice is Destroying Atheist Groups – A Response to Attacks on Atheist Alliance International and Michael Sherlock

Social Justice is Destroying Atheist Groups – A Response to Attacks on Atheist Alliance International and Michael Sherlock

Days ago, following a tweet from Atheist Alliance International (AAI) Executive Director Michael Sherlock calling religion a “retarded relic that really needs archiving in humanity’s library of bad ideas,” a handful of Twitter users launched attacks on Michael Sherlock and Atheist Alliance International which led to AAI suspending Sherlock for one month without pay in […]

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