Atheists for Liberty is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to defending the fundamental freedoms that support the human quest for knowledge and the separation of religion & government.

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Negative World: Why Christians Are Retreating from American Cities

Politically-engaged Christians in America aren’t thrilled with the way things have been going. They finally seem to grasp how badly they’re losing in the culture. And they’re getting desperate. This desperation was the focus of a recent article in The New York Times, “Why a New Conservative Brain Trust Is Resettling Across America.” According to […]

Secular Alternatives to the 10 Commandments: A Response to Louisiana’s Law Requiring the 10 Commandments in All Classrooms

Today, the governor of Louisiana signed a law requiring classrooms in the state to display the Ten Commandments. According to the Republican governor, Jeff Landry, “If you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given which was Moses. … He got his commandments from God.” Apparently, Governor Landry […]

The True Impact of Cancel Culture: Don’t Underestimate the Chilling Effect on Speech

Cancel culture is far from the greatest threat to liberty today. We live in a time when the “possibility of Armageddon” is the highest it’s ever been since the Cuban missile crisis. However, the actual harms from cancel culture shouldn’t be underestimated. For example, cancel culture results in a chilling effect across the culture that […]

God the Omniwriter? – The Biblical Argument for God That Does Not Materialize

There’s a modern Christian custom to include a reference to a Bible verse in Twitter bios, Instagram descriptions, and even Tinder profiles. Whenever I encounter this, for whatever reason, I feel compelled to check the actual passage. I open an online Bible and enter the numerical code into the search engine. I want to know: […]

From Seminary to Atheism: A Whirlwind Journey Out of Orthodox Judaism

“I was steeped in contradiction. Never before had I felt the suffocation that I was living someone else’s life, that I was living by someone else’s values.” Growing up, I attended Chabad Sunday school, celebrated the major holidays, and was part of Jewish Teen groups. Despite my orthodox education, I was raised in a reformed […]

Richard Dawkins Says He’s a Cultural Christian: This Isn’t News

On March 31 this year, Richard Dawkins appeared in an interview with Rachel Johnson on LBC, where he made headlines after identifying himself as a cultural Christian. After stating he was “slightly horrified” to hear about when Oxford Street in London began promoting Ramadan instead of Easter, he explained his belief that England is a […]