
A Libertarian Jesus?

A Libertarian Jesus?

By Jan Golan Though prevalent amongst libertarians, the phrase “taxation is theft” is slightly imprecise, as governmental confiscation of our assets is best described by the word extortion. The threat of the state, sending their mercenaries to make one pay the “price for civilization”, even if they may kill one in the process, is ever […]

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Groypers: An Atheist Survival Guide

Groypers: An Atheist Survival Guide

Groypers: An Atheist Survival Guide What are Groypers? First of all, Groypers are a group of extreme activists who are known for their use of online trolling and harassment. In 2023 their leader Nick Fuentes remarked that he wants the 21st Century to become the most Christian Century in human history. Groypers are named after […]

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Cancel Culture and Atheism: Survival Guide (Part II)

Cancel Culture and Atheism: Survival Guide (Part II)

Cancel Culture and Atheism: Survival Guide (Part II)   10 Tips for navigating cancel culture and atheism: 1. Understand the different types of cancel culture: It’s important to differentiate between justified and unjustified cancellations, as well as understand the nuances of call-out culture, boycotts, and online shaming. 2. Choose your battles wisely: Not every disagreement […]

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Critical Atheism and Personal Freedom (part I)

Critical Atheism and Personal Freedom (part I)

Critical Atheism and Personal Freedom: (part I) Breaking Free from Belief   In this blog post, we will explore the concept of critical atheism and its relationship to personal freedom. Critical atheism is a philosophical position that emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, skepticism, and rational inquiry in the rejection of religious beliefs and practices. […]

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Atheists and Free Speech (Part I)

Atheists and Free Speech (Part I)

Defending the Right to Speak: How Atheists are Fighting for Free Speech (Part I) In a world where exchanging ideas and opinions is becoming increasingly polarized, the right to free speech is controversial. For atheists, expressing dissenting opinions and challenging prevailing beliefs is especially important. Despite facing censorship, boycotts, and even death threats, prominent atheists […]

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The New Creationism?

The New Creationism?

Many of us fought against Intelligent Design in the early 2000s, and for evolution to be taught in our nation’s science classes without mystical inclusions, fake “controversies” or impeaching strawmen. That battle was won, and in the wake of our triumph I speculated on how the next specter of creationism would rear its head. It […]

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Atheists Should Have No Secular Heaven

Atheists Should Have No Secular Heaven

In the mid-2000s the Intelligent Design, “Climate Skepticism,” and the Left Behind movements unified atheists to fight for sound science in our nation’s classrooms and a popular refutation of the negative, apocalyptic claims of the End Times and the Rapture. Sadly today, after noted victories, atheists are divided by similar apocalyptic, pessimistic claims about racism, […]

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The Defamation of Christopher Columbus

There has been a lot of hate centered around the explorer Christopher Columbus. No denying that, right? Ever the since the 2020 riots following the death of George Floyd, many protesters and activists have been tearing down public statues of historical figures they deem to be evil white supremacists. Columbus, amongst many others, has become […]

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